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Peristaltic pumps Tubing pumps by Lambda. Have you ever asked yourself how the ideal peristaltic pump. An infinite diameter of the pump head - for unlimited life time of the tubing and no pulsation of the flow. The largest possible diameter of compression rollers - to eliminate any tearing of the tubing. A precise tubing compression - to eliminate leaks and rapid mechanical destruction of the tubing. It works so well that we are able to give you a 5 years.
Lambda CZ s.r.o.
Jan-Marc Lehky
Lozibky 1 N/A N/A
Brno, 711, 61400
La mat være din medisin. Fra de tidligste tider, lærte våre forfedre seg hvordan de kunne konservere og foredle mat. En gjæringsprosess som foregikk uten oksygentilførsel gjorde maten lett fordøyelig og ga lang holdbarhet. Det er vanskelig å få kjøpt ekte, levende surkål eller andre fermenterte grønnsaker i vanlige butikker. Det meste som selges er pasteurisert, der de gode bakteriene og enzymene er drept. Du må lage det selv! Online kurs i fermentering.
Learn how to make Sauerkraut Miso Kimchi Tempeh Fish Sauce Kefir Cultured Foods Pickles Nutrient-Dense Food Kombucha. Reviving the Tradition of Fermented Foods, Trillions at a Time. To up your game! Fermentation and gut health book and movie reviews. We love and actually use Squatty Potty.
I would like to wish you a warm welcome to the Fermenters Kitchen Blog. I am passionate about fermenting and started my journey way back in 1983. I hope, through the Fermenters Kitchen, to be able to help, encourage and inspire those of you who join me - whether you are just starting out or experienced in the art. Section to see the things we have to offer you.
Orders due by September 13th. The current owners have run the store since late 1992. The main employee, Frank, has over 35 years of beer and winemaking experience. Frank has taught winemaking and beer making classes since 1992. Frank has also taught wine judging classes, proctored beer judging tests for the BJCP, and done demonstrations at festivals in the area.